The 3 HITRUST Levels and How They Work

September 26, 2024

HITRUST, or the Health Information Trust Alliance, provides a comprehensive framework (HITRUST CSF) of security and privacy controls, especially for organizations in the healthcare space. Understanding the different HITRUST levels is key to successful compliance and alignment with industry standards. 

The HITRUST Certification Levels 

What are HITRUST levels?

While the HITRUST framework covers several key elements, there are three main levels to be aware of self-assessment, CSF-Validated, and CSF-Certified.


This is the entry-level option within the HITRUST CSF. As the name implies, businesses at this level conduct their own internal evaluations, assessing their security practices against the HITRUST CSF controls. No external validation or third-party involvement is required.

The self-assessment is typically facilitated through the HITRUST MyCSF tool, which makes it easy for organizations to measure their compliance with the framework’s requirements. You can customize the scope of the assessment based on your specific needs, focusing on areas that are most relevant to your risk profile or regulatory environment.

Organizations that are in the early stages of implementing a security and privacy program may find the self-assessment particularly beneficial. It helps them gain an understanding of where they stand in relation to the HITRUST CSF and identify gaps that need to be addressed. 


Next up on the hierarchy is the CSF-Validated stage, which introduces external validation by a HITRUST-approved assessor organization. This assessment builds on the self-assessment process but adds an important layer of independent verification. You can think of it as the middle ground of HITRUST certification.

At this stage, the organization first conducts a self-assessment using the MyCSF tool. Then, an external assessor reviews the findings, performs additional testing, and validates the results. They may also conduct interviews and test specific controls to make sure they are operating effectively and as described.

This level is often pursued by companies looking to provide a higher degree of assurance to stakeholders. For example, in cases where they are required to demonstrate compliance with certain regulatory requirements or meet the expectations of business partners, the CSF-Validated stamp of approval can really come in handy.


A CSF Certification requires an external auditor.

CSF-Certified is the most rigorous of the HITRUST implementation levels. It involves the same requirements as CSF-Validated and then some. Once the external auditor completes the validation, they submit the results to HITRUST for further review. HITRUST then performs a quality assurance review to make sure that the organization meets the certification criteria.

Achieving the CSF-Certified level of HITRUST compliance signifies that an organization has undergone thorough external validation and review by the HITRUST. Certification is typically valid for two years, and during this time, organizations must continue to maintain their security controls and may be subject to interim assessments to ensure ongoing compliance.

Why HITRUST Certification Matters

Getting certified with all HITRUST levels may seem like a long and complex process, and it is, but getting compliant with this framework is well worth the effort. It shows that your organization adheres to the highest standards of security, privacy, and risk management.

Complying with HITRUST is a mark of trust and credibility, which is vital to driving business growth. According to the 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer, 61% of respondents worry that business leaders purposely mislead people, indicating a growing mistrust among stakeholders and consumers. 

Obtaining HITRUST certification offers a high degree of transparency, making the general public more likely to trust your organization. As technology advances and compliance becomes even more paramount, hitting all HITRUST levels is a great way to put your money where your mouth is and show the world that you are truly committed to protecting sensitive information. 

What You Can Do to Achieve All 3 HITRUST Levels

While HITRUST compliance is undoubtedly important, achieving all levels of certification can be a monumental undertaking. That being said, there are a few tips you can follow to get on board with the program.

Perform a Gap Analysis

Before embarking on the formal certification process, you need to conduct a thorough gap analysis to understand your current security controls and how they stack up against HITRUST’s requirements. That way, you can pinpoint specific gaps or weaknesses you may need to address in order to get up to standard.

Your gap analysis should, ideally, cover all 19 HITRUST domains. This proactive approach can save you time and reduce the likelihood of surprises during the formal assessment.

Engage Stakeholders Across the Organization

 Engaging stakeholders is important when obtaining HITRUST CSF.

HITRUST certification isn’t solely the responsibility of your IT or security department––it requires the involvement of stakeholders across the organization. Engaging key personnel from different departments is key to addressing all aspects of HITRUST CSF.

By fostering inter-departmental collaboration, you can keep everyone aligned with certification goals and make sure each person and/or department understands their role in achieving them. This will help embed security and compliance into your organization’s culture so that it remains a key part of what you do on a daily basis over time.

Use the MyCSF Tool

Don’t overlook the HITRUST MyCSF tool. It’s a valuable resource that can streamline your certification process. The platform provides a structured approach to assessing and managing your company’s compliance with HITRUST standards, with features like automated scoring and gap analysis.

What’s more, MyCSF allows you to tailor the scope of your assessment to your organization’s specific needs, making it easier to focus on the most important controls. Leveraging this tool the right way can save time, reduce complexity, and boost your odds of achieving certification.

Prepare for the Post-Certification Phase

If you think you’re done once you get that shiny certification badge, think again. It’s only the beginning of an ongoing commitment to security and compliance. After certification, it would be wise to have a plan in place that includes regular controls reviews and staying updated with changes to the HITRUST CSF.

Pass All 3 HITRUST Levels with Compyl 

Remember, compliance––whether in regard to HITRUST or otherwise––requires continuous effort. Staying on top of things isn’t always easy, which is why it pays to have a trusted partner by your side. 

Compyl’s modern integrated GRC platform helps businesses keep tabs on their compliance efforts across multiple frameworks, including HITRUST. With features like workflow automation and automated regulatory updates, staying on track with compliance has never been easier. To learn more about how we can help you achieve all HITRUST levels, contact us today. 

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