Prevent Compliance Issues With the Right Software

May 09, 2024

Why Using the Right Software Is the Best Way To Prevent Compliance Issues

Data security is a significant global concern. The number of annual breaches is trending upward. 2011 saw  419 incidents, while in 2021 there were 1,862, impacting almost 300 million people. Security regulations and certifications increase data protection and reduce risk to companies and consumers.

Companies spend, on average,  $3.5 million  on compliance. However, non-compliance costs an average of $9.4 million. Compliance issues can put your company and consumers at risk, but here’s how the right software can help.

Compyl can help you avoid with compliance issues.

The Right Software Can Reduce the Risk of Compliance Issues 24/7

When you have the right software in place, it provides ongoing security system monitoring. Most businesses don’t have the resources to assess their business operations and security more than periodically and during auditing periods.

Software, on the other hand, works in the background all the time. It consistently measures your company’s operations against the compliance framework you must adhere to. Automated  security software solutions  reduce your company’s risk of falling out of compliance between assessment and audit periods.

Security Compliance Software Reduces Human Error

Human error can lead to serious issues with non-compliance. Your employees may unwittingly place your customers and company at risk. Human error contributes to up to  95% of data security incidents. Compliance issues can arise from the following mistakes:

  • Mismanagement of security patches
  • Misconfigured systems
  • Poor password and user identification management
  • Improper controls on user devices
  • Inefficient staff training

With the right software, you can configure the program to provide an automated solution to tasks prone to human errors.

The Right Software Increases Security Gap Response Time

compliance issues can be prevented with the right software.

It can take a long time for a person or company to realize a security gap exists. Unfortunately, gaps are often not detected until it is too late. When you aren’t aware of the threats, you can’t address them.

If your company has a breach and the investigations discover compliance issues, it can result in hefty fines. With the right software in place, you receive instant notification when a threat to data security occurs. You can address the issue before it turns into a security failure.

Security Compliance Software Keeps Up With Changing Requirements

The consistently evolving cybersecurity threats require  regulatory  and certification changes to keep up. Often, these changes result in additional or alternate requirements.

While companies are usually given a timeframe for making the necessary changes to continue compliance, staying on top of the shifting sands of regulation and cybersecurity threats is often challenging. The right software alerts you to regulatory changes, allowing you to make the needed adjustments and avoid compliance issues.

The Right Software Adapts to Your Company’s Needs

Maintaining compliance as your company grows is difficult. Whether you add new technology, staff or locations, you must ensure that any steps you take in the process comply with security regulations. The right security compliance software scales with your business, ensuring consistency throughout your operations.

The Right Software To Prevent Compliance Issues

At Compyl, we understand the need for robust software that provides the tools you need now and into the future. Our all-in-one information and security software solutions help you avoid compliance issues. It automates error-prone tasks, alerts you to security gaps and changing regulations, and helps you manage staff training, vendors and contracts.  Request a demo  to discover what we can do for you.

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