Defining ISO 9001 Vs. 27001

March 13, 2025

With over 150 member bodies made up of leading industry experts, the International Organization for Standardization is one of the most trusted global authorities. ISO management frameworks are followed by businesses of every size, from aerospace manufacturers to cutting-edge fintech organizations. Many enterprises implement more than one ISO framework, such as ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2022. Comparing ISO 9001 vs. 27001 can help you build a comprehensive compliance program that is tailored to your company’s needs.

What Are the Differences Between ISO 9001 vs. 27001?

What does my industry need: iso 9001 vs. 27001​?

Even though ISO 9001 and 27001 both represent leading industry practices, these frameworks have different objectives, applications, and approaches. ISO 9001 helps organizations create an effective quality management system for products and services. On the other hand, ISO 27001 revolves around information security management systems and data protection.

These frameworks have some areas of overlap, so preparing for one audit can help you progress toward the other certification. That said, because of how different the purposes of both frameworks are, you should expect many unique standards and controls, too.

What Is ISO 9001?

ISO 9001 is a comprehensive set of standards for quality management. The goal of creating a QMS is to make sure your organization’s services and products adhere to the highest criteria for quality, customer satisfaction, and regulatory compliance. That way, your company’s quality is consistent and verifiable. QMS frameworks encompass management roles and responsibilities, organizational policies, and company processes and procedures.

The Seven Quality Management Principles of ISO 9001

ISO 9001:2015 consists of seven compliance families or quality management principles. These foundational standards apply to businesses in any industry:

  1. Customer focus: Understanding customer expectations, leveraging client insights, and delivering exceptional service
  2. Leadership: Driving quality from the top down, investing in policies, programs, and personnel for organization-wide quality initiatives
  3. Engagement: Getting stakeholders at every level involved in the decision-making and implementation processes for quality and improvement
  4. Process approach: Creating a detailed strategy to streamline processes, get rid of bottlenecks, and eliminate data silos/communication problems
  5. Improvement: Following a culture of continual process monitoring, analysis, innovation, and improvement
  6. Evidence-based decision making: Establishing systems and benchmarks for data gathering, tracking, analysis, and use in decisions
  7. Relationship management: Creating a work atmosphere that encourages strong internal and external communication channels, stakeholder collaboration, and strategic partnerships

The idea behind the ISO 9001 framework and its QMPs is to integrate quality management into every aspect of an organization’s processes. With this holistic approach, executives, managers, and employees in every department contribute to quality and customer satisfaction more naturally instead of being forced to rigidly follow endless rules to avoid penalties.

What Is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is one of the most widely used cybersecurity frameworks in the world — alongside SOC 2 in the United States. By following infosec best practices, your company can build strong defenses against data breaches, phishing attacks, malware, ransomware, insider threats, and other vulnerabilities.

The CIA Triad of ISO 27001

ISO 9001 vs. 27001, which is better at keeping data secure?

Unlike the seven key principles in ISO 9001, the ISO 27001 framework only has three central pillars, commonly called the CIA triad:

  1. Confidentiality: Preventing unauthorized access to sensitive data, setting up strong access control measures, and reducing the risks of a data breach
  2. Information integrity: Protecting critical business data, implementing data loss prevention measures, and taking preventative actions to avoid accidental or deliberate modification or deletion
  3. Availability of data: Designing safeguards to ensure constant uptime of organizational data, networks, cloud resources, and SaaS platforms

ISO 27001:2022 has a total of 93 controls. They cover a wide range of data security safeguards, including:

  • Access control measures
  • Operations security
  • Physical and environmental controls
  • Network security practices and policies
  • Supply chain security
  • Business continuity, data backups, and emergency preparedness

Taken together, these controls reduce cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities throughout your organization, from employees and hardware to software and network configurations.

Where Do ISO 9001 and 27001 Frameworks Overlap?

At first glance, the control families for ISO 9001 vs. 27001 seem completely different. But when it comes to framework design, implementation, audits, and compliance, both sets of standards follow a similar structure. This is intentional. ISO 9001 and 27001 both adhere to ISO Annex SL, a standardized system layout.

Whether you’re building a QMS or an ISMS, the document should outline and define 10 components:

  1. Management system scope
  2. Normative references (supporting standards or documents) 
  3. Terms and definitions
  4. Organizational context (factors that affect system design or implementation in your organization)
  5. Leadership/governance
  6. Planning (including risk assessments)
  7. Support (e.g, expertise, infrastructure, financial assets, and other resources)
  8. Operations and processes
  9. Performance evaluation (e.g., monitoring and analytics)
  10.  Improvement (such as corrective actions)

Auditors look at these common clauses when determining compliance.

What Businesses Benefit From Implementing ISO 9001 and 27001?

Over one million businesses in more than 180 countries are ISO 9001 certified. This framework is a hallmark of quality, making it important for virtually every industry, from industrial construction to food and beverage manufacturing.

ISO 27001 is vital for enterprises that handle secure data or are at high risk of cyberattacks. These include government contractors, SaaS developers, financial institutions, and healthcare organizations.

What if your customers demand both top-quality products and outstanding cybersecurity? The ISO 9001 QMS and ISO 27001 ISMS provide the guarantees your clients need.

How Does ISO 9001 Compliance Compare to ISO 27001 Compliance?

How can I make sure my computer systems remain compliant?

The certification processes for ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 both require you to assign compliance responsibilities, create detailed policies and processes for system implementation, monitor results, and continually improve performance. 

In practice, ISO 9001 tends to focus more on your interactions with customers, including communications, product specifications, complaints handling, and quality controls. ISO 27001 doesn’t include this factor at all.

One of the main differences between ISO 27001 and 9001 is the emphasis on continual risk analysis, risk mitigation, and monitoring. In preparation for an ISO 27001 audit, you also need to gather extensive support documentation, such as network logs and incident reports.

Streamline ISO 9001 and 27001 Compliance

Advanced compliance automation platforms such as Compyl make ISO 9001 and 27001 frameworks easier to implement. Design, implement, track, evaluate, and improve continually with powerful features. Learn more about ISO framework compliance today.

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