Are Security and Compliance the Same Thing?

March 28, 2023

Understanding the Difference Between Security and Compliance

Though protecting sensitive information has long been a concern, the advent of the internet heightened the potential for theft, exposure, and unauthorized access. Cybercrimes are rising, with phishing and ransomware attacks increasing by 3,000% from 2019 to 2021. Governments, businesses, and consumers are vulnerable.

If your business handles sensitive data, you are responsible for protecting it. Security and compliance help you ensure you keep it safe. Understanding their differences is essential to meeting your obligations.

Are Security and Compliance the Same Thing? | Compyl

The Relationship Between Security and Compliance

Maintaining data security and privacy is the primary aim of agencies that develop regulations and standards. Complying with these laws and frameworks helps you protect customer data. It may also be a legal obligation. The steps to secure data and information may be an element of compliance, but you can also introduce measures beyond your legal or certification obligations.

The Elements of Security

Security refers to the systems and tools you put in place to protect sensitive data and information from a breach, cyberattack, or leak. Security measures generally cover the following components of a business:

  • Network: Your network is the virtual link between every aspect of your business. It allows you to quickly access and share information. However, it also provides cybercriminals a gateway to your company’s and customers’ data and information, making it a central concern in security and compliance.
  • Infrastructure: Infrastructure refers to computers, devices, servers, and even facilities that house technology or store data. When technology is linked to your network, it offers criminals and unauthorized users access. Physical structures are vulnerable to internal breaches and leaks.
  • Users: Those who have access to your network can inadvertently compromise sensitive data. Cybercriminals know how to take advantage of human weakness, and phishing emails are now one of the leading sources of cyberattacks.

Security measures or controls help reduce risk and vulnerability across all three sectors of your business.

The Features of Compliance

Compliance refers to a set of third-party rules or standards that you must adhere to in fulfilling legal obligations or maintaining security certification. These third parties require you to implement measures for maintaining security and compliance. Whether a government entity or the International Organization for Standardization, the entity aims to protect sensitive assets.

The E.U.’s General Data Protection Regulation is one example of legal data security requirements that any company that does business within the E.U. is legally obligated to comply with. The law establishes guidelines for information security. If you don’t comply, you are subject to substantial fines. On the other hand, the ISO 27001 framework is voluntary. Non-compliance may result in a loss of customer trust and a lack of certification, but it won’t lead to fines.

Automated Security and Compliance

Information security and regulatory or standards compliance are intricately interlinked. Still, they are not the same, making it challenging to ensure the measures you implement fulfill both aspects of protecting your company and customers. Compyl’s end-to-end security and compliance automation platform streamlines your security processes and compliance obligations, providing you with real-time risk alerts and ongoing compliance monitoring. Request a demo to learn more about how we can help.

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